. Nobel-prize and . Medal, The Royal Karolinska Institute of Medicine and Surgery (Sweden)

A. Medal and -. , Principal membership 1881 Honorary member -Society for the Protection of Public Health (St-Petersburg, Russia) b 1883 Corresponding member -Imperial Academy of sciences (St. Petersburg, Russia) 1889 Honorary member -Imperial Moscow University (St, ) c 1891 Corresponding member -Academy of Natural Sciences

H. Dr and . Causa, (Belgium) 1909 Honorary member e Scientific Society Antonio Alzate " (Mexico City, Mexico) 1910 Corresponding member -Royal Academy of sciences (Turin, Italia) 1911 Honorary member -Romanian Academy, Honorary member e Imperial Academy of sciences, 1911.

A. B?-ottcher, A. O. Kowalewsky, and W. W. Salensk, b Also Honorary member from several Russian societies, Academies and Institutes: Saint-Petersburg: Society for the protection of Public Healt Pediatric Society, Societas Medicorum Petropolitenorum, Society for Anatomy and Anthropology of Imperial Medical and Military Academy, The Society of Devotees of Natural sciences, Society of Russian physicians (1883) Psychiatric and neurological Institute, 1881.

. Moscow, The Muscovite Society of Dermatology and Venerology, The Ledenzoff Society for assisting discoveries and invention useful to humanity, The Muscovite Scientific Institute, 1909.

. Kiev, Kasan: Veterinary medicine Society Russian societies of medicine: Simbirsk (1893 Kronstadt (Marine medicine e c Also honorary member from several Russian Universities: Kiev Univ The Imperial Univ, Ekaterinoslav (1897) Saint-Petersbourg (1895) Saint Petersburg Medical Institute for Women Moscow Agricultural Univ, 1891.

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C. Brandreth, The man who prolongs life, vol. XXIII. London Magazine, pp.578-84, 1910.

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O. Metchnikoff, Note sur l'influence des microbes dans le d eveloppement des t^ etards, Ann Inst Pasteur, pp.631-635, 1901.

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E. Metchnikoff and A. Besredka, Recherches sur la fi evre typhoide exp erimentale, Ann Inst Pasteur, vol.25, pp.193-221, 1911.

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